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SANT’ANNA school rector election for 2019 – 2025 term. First round results: QUORUM requirements are met but no candidate reached the election threshold. the SECOND ROUND IS scheduled for 5 - 6 march

Publication date: 16.02.2019
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Pietro Tonutti, as the official who supervised the election process on 26-27 February, has announced the first round results of the Sant’Anna School Rector election for the 2019-2025 term.

790 (out of 1052 total number of people entitled to vote) persons were present for the vote successfully achieving a quorum requirement of 75,1 %.

In consideration of the weighted voting system, candidate Piero Castoldi received 86.7800 votes, candidate  Eugenio Guglielmelli 338.6231 votes and candidate Sabina Nuti 339.1531 votes.

Blank votes were 25.4560.

The 395.0000 election threshold was not obtained.

Second round election is scheduled on 5-6 March 2019. 

Click here for additional information on the weighted voters’ preferences and more details on the election process.